Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Prepare yourself now...this is going to be a rant post...

GRRRRRRR!!!!!  I am getting really pissed at U of A.  They sent me a letter telling me that they have yet to receive my transcripts from SCC.  BULLSHIT!  I have sent them twice.  On the My UA page, which I use to check the status of my application, it said that my transcripts were received April 12, 2010 and that they were being processed.  When I called yesterday, however, they had no record of that happening and the guy I talked to the second time I called said that there was no way they would still be processing those ones.  They are apparently working on processing applications sent May 17, 2010.  I was told to call back in a week and a half.  This is total bullshit!  I am officially worried about attending U of A if this is how they handle their business!  Either the people in the Admissions office need to get together with the people who handle the My UA page or they need to pull their heads out of their asses and actually help me out and give me some damn information!  Two choices.  Either way would work for me.

On another stressful note, I got a photo radar ticket last week.  This time it wasn't for speeding though.  Apparently, I turned on a red.  I maintain that the light was still yellow when I turned.  Hopefully, it doesn't go through, but I seriously doubt it.  My luck is non-existent so it definitely went through and it will come in the mail two weeks after the incident.  This makes it even worse!  That means that my parents are going to get this frelling ticket right before they leave for California!  What a great way to kick off that vacation!!!  I am terrified about what they will do when they get it!!!  I would love to intercept it, but I work during the day and my mom works from home and always gets the mail.  She is going to get it.  I am going to be grounded.  They will take away Franny.  They are going to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad at me!  I hate disappointing them and that is exactly what I am going to be doing...again.  I feel like a total crumb!  Had I just gone down Shea instead of Scottsdale, this wouldn't have ever happened, but NO!  I was dumb.  i shouldn't have turned and now I am going to have to pay for it.  My parents are going to KILL me!  I am so screwed!  I am going to be freaking out until the shit hits the fan.  I will continue to cross my fingers that it never comes, but it will and I will be screwed.  It's hard to think positive when you know it just won't work out for you in the end.  I don't have that kind of luck.

Yours until my parents get that ticket,