Thursday, June 21, 2012


Dear men in my life,
I don't understand you and I wish I could simply give up on trying, but that seems to be an impossible feat. Why is it so incredibly difficult for you to see that all I really want is a conversation every once and a while. I just want to know that you think of me from time to time. I want to feel feel cherished, but neither one of you seem to be able to do that. Isn't it pathetic? Here I sit wishing either of you would talk to me...shockingly, not so much Andrew right now as the other. I swear I tried to stay unattached, but his personality made that impossible. It's not like I've fallen for him, but I can't even attempt to convey how much I just miss talking to him. Just joking around. Yeah, I miss the sex talks too...those were fun, but mostly, just the everyday kind of talk we used to do. This guy has turned my heart or brain in knots and I can't seem to untangle them. He's a great guy, but how am I supposed to just accept that he doesn't seem to want me anymore after telling me he's wanted me since high school? That's not fair. I wish I could be as unaffected by his absence and his apparent reticence to even attempt to maintain a conversation with me as he is, but I'm not. I want it back. I don't know what i'm going to do about him, but i'll try to keep this updated.
In closing, are dumb and its hurting me now, so just give me a little clarification and we can all go home happier people.
Saddened and Lonely K

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