Thursday, September 6, 2012


Holy crap balls!! I have such news for you! As we all know, I'm devastatingly and hopelessly in love with Andrew. Well...he kissed me last night (Wednesday). It was the strangest thing ever. By strange, I mean random and AMAZING!
He called me last night around 11:30 to come pick him and Nate up because his car ran out of gas. So I did. After we got the gas, I left straight away and went back home. In hindsight, I should have stayed to make sure that worked because I got another call asking me to just take them home. Of course I did, because I like to test to see if my nice side still works. Andrew said I had to go in to hang out for a little bit and have a glass of wine, so I did. I ended up having two glasses of yummy wine and then we all went outside so the boys could smoke their cancer sticks. We spent about three hours talking about nothing and everything all at the same time. Nate and I made fun of Andrew because he has those silly tosie shoes. Then Andrew was about to tell me something his brother had told him but then decided not to so as not to rat his brother out (screw that, just rat him out!). Nate went inside and I stood up to go look for a bottle of water and Andrew got up too. He said something along the lines of "see if this will help you understand" and then he just grabbed me and kissed me. We hugged-my brain was suddenly out of commission so I don't really know what all happened at this point- and then Nate came back outside. I went inside for the water and Andrew followed me into the back room.
Here's where things get really interesting. He kept saying how shy he is. He also said something along the lines of "since we met, you've been a focal point in my life". He told me how he came to a bunch of the badminton games just to see me and that I should think about what that means. Well, brain vacated my damn body the moment his lips touched mine. I'd love to go with this meaning he still loves me, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I need to find out if he just did it because he was drunk, or what. When Nate was around after Andrew kissed me, Andrew started talking about some other girl and was being all kinds of cryptic about it. That's when I said goodnight and went home. I sent him a message on Facebook that said, " kissed me last night. Thoughts? Reactions?"
Any who...that's my amazing news! I hope all of you have amazing news too!
Confused and excited,