Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Good mood over...

I have been totally swamped the last few days!  Work, I am convinced, is trying to make me into an i would love to set that place ablaze.  Sure, i like that fact that i got some extra hours...but I hated working them.  I love all the associates I work with...its some of the other managers.  Corporate has forgotten what it is like working at the store level and sets the rules and standards accordingly.  My general manager--the sheep that she is--is obsessed with trying to get on her boss's good side.  It is really annoying.  What is uber annoying about it all is that, as the main closer, all the things that don't happen during the day, fall to me to do.  Last I checked, I was not super-human and cannot do everything at once.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day...guess how much I enjoyed that (refer to post 1 if in any doubt).  I actually  broke down and cried...out of nowhere it would seem.  I don't know why I did.  I had a decent time at work, I cleaned the house for my parents (which generally has a calming effect on me), and my daddy delivered my roses--which are absolutely gorgeous--to work where I could enjoy them for a few hours before taking them home.  I had already known that it was going to be a tough day because I don't have he-who-must-not-be-named in my life right now, not really at least.  However, expecting it to be bad and actually living it were two very different things.  Frick-an-a...I broke down crying when I took out my box of yummy chocolates and they fell all over the table and I lost three to the ground.  I am not normally this emotional.  My daddy could tell that it was more than my just being frustrated as I had told him, but he didn't press me to hear every detail.  How could I put into words what I was feeling?  I miss my ex.  I love him and he isn't really in my life right now.  He doesn't talk to me, even on something as trivial as facebook.  I don't even think he thinks about me anymore.  I know I wish he did.  I wish he thought about me as much as I do him, though i doubt he does.  I just missed him yesterday so much, not that I don't miss him everyday, but yesterday especially because he was so wonderful last year.  Don't get me wrong, I had an absolute blast at Caylin's place watching "The Philadelphia Story" and drinking my "bitch beer", but I was practically on the verge of tears the entire day.

Also, Amber, one of the girls I am going to Philadelphia with on Thursday, is in the hospital.  We don't know what is wrong with her, but I guess they are saying it is some virus in her head.  It doesn't look like she is going to make it to Philly.  I am really sad about that.  It would be so much fun with her there.  Road Trip 1 girls reunited!  I sincerely hope that she gets better super fast, and not just because I want her on this trip, though, I will admit, that is a major factor.  It won't be the same without her.  If she is still in the hospital tomorrow, I am going to go visit her.

Tomorrow is going to be a really busy day...  I have to take the dog to day camp--yes, that's right, the dog goes to day camp...she loves it--then I have to go to class at nine, instead of going to lunch with Adam, best friend and ex's brother, I have to go to geology lab, then go see Amber, another best friend and sister of ex, in the hospital, go home, go to Arizona Tile Company with my parents, down to see Jasmine's mom with Caylin so we can pick up some things Jasmine needs, and then I have to go back home and do all my homework because I won't have time to do it on Wednesday because I will be packing after work.  Bah...that is a long day.

Well, that is all, I guess.  I need to go to sleep so I can function moderately well tomorrow.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Until next time...