Sunday, May 9, 2010


It has been an interesting past few days.  Adam, Genny and I went to Tucson to look for apartments.  That went really well actually.  We fell in love with the first place we went.  It is wonderful!!!!  It is a two bedroom, two bathroom flat with 1258 sq ft.  It has a washer and dryer in the unit, a baby backyard, nice appliances, huge closets, a wet bar, and a kind of split floor plan--the rooms are down the hall from one another.  The second we walked into this place, I knew we should live there!  I really hope that we get approved!  We will be able to make it work, if we can get in the door.  I have to call them back in June to see if they have any pre-leasing specials for August.  I would very much like to get in the first week of August so that we can get all settled in before school starts.  That's another thing!  I haven't heard from U of A yet as to whether or not I was accepted...that is kind of freaking me out.  I need to officially know if I will have a school to go to so that I can have a place to live in the area of the school.  Makes sense, right?  I thought so too. 

OOOOOOOO!!!!  So...boy I am in love with and I have been having a mini conversation on Facebook lately.  In it, I am trying to feel him out to see if I can tell him that I have loved him since the eighth grade without him hating me.  He did call me sweetheart in one post.  I am pretty sure I have already mentioned that, but that shows just how much I am holding onto that little glimmer of hope.  Granted, his "sweetheart" comment did come after I had called him "love" in the Happy Birthday message and "honey" in the we all want a rocket launcher one.  It could have been a totally innocent response to those, but I really don't want it to be that innocent!!!!!  I want to tell him that I love him.  I want to explain why we broke up.  I want to know why he thinks we broke up.  Mostly, I just want to see him again, know he is safe and at the very least hug him.  I miss the contact high I would get every time he touched me.  It was delicious.  I don't know if you have ever experienced something like that, but it sends warm shivers down my spine and warms me down to my toes.  His voice can do the same thing to me.  I love it...when I am not busy hating it because he is back to not touching me and he doesn't ever call.  I am just happy he is keeping the Facebook message conversation going.  I did ask him if it would bother him if Adam and I moved in together when we move to Tucson.  He said it wouldn't and that I was strange for asking.  That lead us onto a whole different topic, the one in which I am trying to discover whether or not he will let me tell him what happened.  It is showing some promising signs, but, with him, I never know what is going to happen.  I told him that I "am not going to force a conversation on him that he doesn't want no matter the topic of how much it needed said."  He responded with something along the lines of, "if it need to be said than maybe it is what I need to hear," and then he asked me about the weather.  Really?!  Check the weather channel!  The boy is trying to send me to an early grave!

Other than that, I only have one more final to take before my time at SCC comes to an end.  I don't even care what I get on it.  As it stands, I have already gotten three B's this semester.  Normally, I am not alright with getting B's, but because I didn't actually want to take any of these classes, I haven't found the necessary energy to care what I get in these classes.  I was a little taken aback when I found out how poorly I did on the last Geology lecture test and that it landed me with only a B, but I don't care enough to take the final to try and get an A.  As for Literature and Film...I wasn't too impressed with that class.  I liked the reading that we did--Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and To Kill a Mockingbird--but the teaching style didn't sit well with me.  It was all group activities...I don't like working in groups.  The teacher was funny and adorable.  I liked her, just not her methods.  Anyways, I have about a seven point cushion on the final because of all the bonus points I have gotten.  They will come in handy, I think.  I am not motivated to worry about this test.  Oh well.  What happens, happens.

Until next time, my lovelies.  I hope all goes splendidly in the meantime!